What is The GC INDEX®?
The GC Index® (a.k.a. The Game-Changing Index) is the organimetric that empowers organisations to drive performance and achieve innovation by creating game-changing teams and cultures.
The GC Index® is a radical re-think of how organisations identify and nurture key talent; identifying how people at all levels in organisations make their best impact.
We have a clear mission to empower at least 10% of the world’s population to maximise the positive impact they can make in their worlds.
Truly Game-Changing.

The GC Index is a People & Organisation Assessment tool that is based on a high-level business cycle and identifies where individuals and teams naturally want to make an impact and contribution in the business cycle.
Based on this data, The GC Index can help decision making in any business process and improve the productivity of a business.
When we align individuals and teams to roles/tasks where they are naturally engaged and energised we end up with both higher employee satisfaction and higher productivity.

Your Business Challenges
You may have arrived here because you need to deliver a major change programme, embed your organisation’s diversity and inclusion strategy, develop a high-performing team or you have a different business challenge to tackle.
Whatever your objective, The GC Index powers a wide range of solutions delivered by our GC Partners that achieve pretty much any desired business outcome. Search available solutions powered by The GC Index to solve the business challenges you are currently facing.

Organisation Impact Map
The GC Index® Organisation Impact Map (OIM) empowers companies to quickly analyse their entire organisations.The OIM provides the insight into how each individual and business entity in an organisation makes an impact relative to their ‘unique’ combination of The GC Index® proclivity strengths: Strategist, Game Changer, Play Maker, Implementer, Polisher.
It is then used to understand the current level of performance and alignment in an organisation to drive better outcomes to take the company to the next level.

Our book, ‘Coaching Me Coaching You’, tells the inspirational stories of ten people whose lives were changed through coaching with The GC Index®.
What is The GC Index?
The GC Index® (a.k.a. The Game-Changing Index) is the organimetric that empowers organisations to drive performance and achieve innovation by creating game-changing teams and cultures. Unleashing people at all levels to make their best impact in their role, team and organisation to drive better business results in 4,000+ clients and across 50+ Countries.
How does The GC Index improve Recruitment processes?
The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) has partnered with The GC Index® and Franklin-Hackett, leading experts in measuring the impact that everyone can make to a role, team and organisation.
The GC Index® is a tool that helps employers identify the strengths of their team members and understand the impact each individual will make. Having this valuable insight lets employers take informed decisions about who is best suited for different roles and how to create the right environment for them to thrive. That means unbiased decisions that support diversity of thought and achieve objectives.
What is a GC Partner?
A GC Partner could be any type of organisation from a single coach to a global consultancy with thousands of employees – the unifying factor is that they are all helping individuals, teams and businesses have a greater impact. This encompasses millions of service-based businesses with a huge variety of people-based processes. As a GC Partner we show you how to leverage The GC Index to provide differentiated services for your clients and win new business. Find out more here https://www.thegcindex.com/what-is-a-gc-partner/
How The GC Index underpins Diversity and Inclusion programmes?
Driving a more inclusive environment based on impact
Whilst traditional metrics and interventions of addressing the Diversity agenda through Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Disability lenses are important they are not shifting the needle quick enough for the future of work
Diversity of Impact Programmes powered by The GC Index are revolutionary and cutting through the traditional barriers that organisations experience when addressing the business imperative for creating a culture of inclusion.
How can I align everyone to a Digital Transformation journey?
For organisations to be successful in their digital transformation they need a framework and language for their people that is simple, effective, and outcome driven. It needs to be scaleable, reliable and adaptable but most importantly it needs to align everybody to make an impact on the digital transformation journey. That framework and language is The GC Index.
How do I maximise the collective Impact of a Distributed Workforce?
More than ever before organisations need a way to quickly and effectively align all of their people to make their best impact to changing business demands. When someone is making a positive contribution to an organisation that is valued, they start to feel potent. Unleashing individual and collective impact across a distributed workforce is what The GC Index does.
How does The GC Index drive productivity and improve business results?
The GC Index® augments and complements existing HR and Talent data. This enables organisations to drive better people decisions based upon the impact and contribution their people can actually make.
It enables organisations to:
- Gain unique insight on people impact
- Improve business outcomes
- Create a common language across the business
- Increase individual performance
- Increase team performance
- Make more informed and accurate people decisions
The GC Index® is a language and framework that aligns the impact and contribution of all their people to business processes and outcomes.