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How to overcome diversity challenges in the workplace

With many parts of the world embracing multicultural societies, it has become common for people of all backgrounds to live, learn, play and work alongside each other. Multicultural societies bring a wealth of benefits to all, expanding our perceptions and exposing us to new ideas, customs, ideologies and more. In a similar way, changes in […]


How to promote equality and diversity awareness

Despite growing awareness of the importance of equality and diversity in the workplace, discrimination remains a major problem for businesses across the UK. According to the Workforce View 2020 Global report by ADP UK, over 25% of workers in the UK experienced some form of discrimination in 2020. This is an astonishing figure and one […]


Unlocking HR Success in 2024: How The GC Index Aligns with Gartner’s Top Priorities

  In a rapidly evolving business landscape, HR leaders face unprecedented challenges. The Gartner HR Priorities Survey for 2024, encompassing insights from over 500 HR leaders across 40 countries, spotlights the top concerns and priorities guiding HR strategies. Simon Etherington, Chief Strategist at The GC Index, explains how these priorities link to The GC Index® […]


What to do if unhappy at work

A global study, published by consulting firm Randstad in 2022,  found that almost half of young people would rather be unemployed than be unhappy in a job. Let’s face it, unhappiness at work is not good for individuals and it is not good for organisations. Dr GC, Chief Psychologist at The GC Index, believes creating […]


How to improve your diversity recruitment strategy

So you’ve decided that you want to make changes to your business by making it more diverse. An important part of achieving equality, diversity and inclusion is going to be instilling diversity recruiting strategies. Before you jump in and begin to make changes, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Think about […]

barriers to inclusion in the workplace

Barriers to diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is essential for those organisations that wish to provide and maintain a workplace that is both both productive and attractive to future employees. Much research has been done that highlights how D&I helps to attract the best talent, increase employee retention, improve the company’s reputation and improve business performance through innovation. […]

improve your business equality and diversity

How to build a business case for equality and diversity

The values of equality and diversity (E&D) should be an essential value and common practice of any business. It is not a voluntary decision that companies can choose to opt in or out of. Despite this, many organisations choose to see it as an optional addition to their policies and procedures, ignoring the importance of […]


Future-proofing your business by creating a diverse workplace

Toby Mildon, Diversity & Inclusion Architect and former Diversity & Inclusion Leader at Deloitte and the BBC interviewed Dr GC for Episode 58 of The Inclusive Growth Show podcast. In this conversation Dr John Mervyn-Smith talked Toby through The GC Index®, the world’s first Organimetric connecting people and business with data that organisations have never had before. [...]

EIT InnoEnergy Career Impact Challenges, Powered by The GC Index: Winners Showcase

We worked with EIT InnoEnergy to bring start-ups, entrepreneurs, students, young professionals and investors from around the world together to drive innovations - this year’s virtual EIT InnoEnergy Career Impact Challenges session took place in Milan, to support Enlit Europe 2021, the unifying brand for European Utility Week & POWERGEN Europe. Energy Insights by McKinsey Challenge Winning Team This [...]

The GC Index as a Universal Language

The GC Index® has evolved remarkably quickly over a relatively short period. This is thanks to GCologists, GC Partners, and clients who all continue to drive the community forwards.  The GC Index aspiration to reach more than 10% of humankind feels very real. Here, our psychologist at large, Dr Nigel Evans - an internationally recognised expert in [...]

Building a culture that leads to improved business performance

There is plenty of research to suggest that a positive organisational culture leads to improved performance, but figuring out what culture is right for your organisation and how to deliver it can be a challenge. Dr John Mervyn-Smith, Chief Psychologist, and Dr Nigel Evans, Psychologist at large, C.Psychol, Director of NEC, Chair of the European [...]

The Five Elves Who Saved Christmas

We share a Christmas tale based on the five GC Index proclivities - by Samara, aged 10 Samara was feeling a little bored whilst having to isolate so her mum set her a challenge, putting her creative writing skills to the test - she asked her to write a Christmas tale incorporating the five GC Index proclivities. [...]