A remotely delivered programme to maintain your operation by building & managing a distributed workforce.
- Five 75-minute learning sessions
- A modular approach
- Short sharp, instantly applicable principles
- Bite size modules
- Quick to apply
- All Powered by The GC Index®

Why is it important?
Remote teams are fundamentally different to co-located teams, yet many organisations think that they will operate and be as effective as their office-based counterparts.
Remote teams present some obvious, and less obvious, challenges such as:
- Interactions become task focussed and social connection decreases
- Scheduled communication replaces casual conversation
- Formal reporting diminishes informal collaboration
- Messaging becomes misunderstood due to a lack of intonation and body language
- Once office-based team members, used to collaborating and interacting, start to feel isolated
- For example: people whose propensity is towards creativity find it hard to see things through to completion
Our ‘leading remote teams’ programme is a remotely delivered, modular training approach designed to give your leaders an easy to implement management methodology for their distributed teams.
We have a four-step model for leading teams remotely, which deals with these issues. All of this is powered by The GC Index – a powerful Organimetric (Organisation-metric) which empowers leaders to understand how to get the best from their people when the situation calls for a change in the way we need to work.
How does it work?
Session 1: An Overview
Preceded by an off-line audio introduction, this module introduces participants to the general challenges of remote team working and a framework for success.
Session 2: Set
Participants are guided through the core components of the Set phase and are encouraged to establish effective goals and rules of engagement for their geographically spread colleagues.
Session 3: Structure
Success is not generally an accident waiting to happen; effective Leadership Systems and adopting the right approach to standardisation leads a team to achievement of their key goals and objectives
Session 4: Share
Access to up to date performance information encourages self-direction of the team enabling collaboration and problem-solving in a proactive and engaging way. Occasional staff rotation might further enhance the team’s overall performance.
Session 5: Socialise
Geographical separation often stifles the casual conversations and social interaction that co-located teams benefit from. How do you set up “the virtual water cooler” to replace what naturally occurs in an office environment?
In addition to the sessions:
Leaders benefit from one-to-one and peer group remote coaching support. These coaching interventions will take place between sessions and after completion to help the leader to effectively apply the principles of cross-location working. Five interventions over 2 weeks will help ensure the remote team is established with the right strategy both in place and operating.

Key Benefits
Through our bite-sized remote team leadership solution, managers will be more able to:
- Maintain and build social connection within the team whilst remaining task focussed
- Establish and support casual conversation that otherwise doesn’t happen
- Increase inter-colleague, intra-team and inter-team interaction and collaboration
- Minimise misunderstanding through carefully planned communication
- Enable effectiveness through whole team leadership