What type of people do we have in our ICE AI Collective? Do we share any characteristics that are pro or against AI? Is there any correlation between our natural proclivities and our attitude towards AI and the ethics that underpin it within our organisation? What types or groups of champions do we have in this collective?

Can you help us to find out in this study? We are mindful it’s holiday season, so we please ask you to complete your registration and assessment by Sunday 31st December 2023 17:00 GMT.

This is being run on behalf of ICE³ and Smart Ethics™ by Assuritivity Consulting Ltd. What do we do? See the details opposite. Why are we doing it? We hope to identify trends, patterns or groups in the study that will help us all with our AI implementation plan.

We then plan to present the findings at a webinar (or series thereof). You will also get to experience the power & benefits of The GC Index® for yourself, and see how it can add value to your team/organisation in this interactive demonstration using anonymised data from all participants.

Register below and take the 10-15 minute GC Index® online assessment to be a part of this study and unique experience. Within 24 hours, you will receive a link via email which will enable you to take The GC Index® assessment. We will send Zoom details later for the webinar(s) after the study closes and analysis has been conducted.

Your privacy is our top priority, so rest assured that your data will only be used for the purpose of the study and webinar(s) and will remain completely anonymous.

After the webinar(s), you will also have an opportunity to take the next step in understanding your own GC Index® Profile by scheduling a personal feedback session. In these, you will learn how The GC Index® can be applied to your own specific challenges and goals, and experience the full benefits of this powerful tool first-hand.

Let’s make an AI-impact together!

THE GC INDEX & The ICE AI Collective Study

Introducing The GC Index® – the revolutionary scalable language & framework for individuals, teams and organisations to understand, improve & integrate their potential and impact. For thosetaking part, The GC Index® can help you:

  • Position yourself for success in work, life and beyond.
  • Improve communication and collaboration with others.
  • Align natural proclivities &energies for increasedproductivity and job satisfaction.
  • Drive transformational change for better employee engagement and retention.
  • Discover and nurture key talent at all levels.

The GC Index® is a radical re-think of how organisations can tap into their most precious asset, their people, discovering how people at all levels realise & contribute their best impact.

The GC Partners in our GCologist channel, including Assuritivity and ICE³, have embedded The GC Index® into our solutions to drive & improve productivity, collaboration, transformation, employee inclusion and well-being for our clients. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to find the AI in you.