Organisational culture hasrepeatedly been rated the most important issue organisations face as organisational culture can drastically influence employee engagement or facilitate change implementation. Especially with widening capability gaps worldwide, employee retention and talent management have become increasingly vital for companies.
The effectiveness in facilitating such organisational culture and changes strongly depends on a leader’s degree of cultural awareness. Promoting culture and engagement in the right manner is what helpsleader become effective change agents and to then positively influence their organisational culture.

The Interplay of Leadership and Organisational Culture
The role of the leader is vital in changing and living organisational culture.
By recognising the need for change and implementing a new organisational culture at the right time and in the right way, leaders facilitate the successful implementation of change initiatives and serve as change agents.
Apart from being able to recognise the need for a new culture, leaders also need tobe able to formulate and design change initiatives in orderto drive changes. Only envisioning change and motivating employees will allow the leader to have a positive impact on values, behaviour, and employee engagement, thereby creating a lasting impact on the organisation. Once cultural aspects become engrained and visible, e.g. by implementing a feedback culture,those aspects facilitate further benefits such as increased employer attractiveness or employee retention.
Detecon helps organisations to excel by training their leaders and by advising organisations on appropriate organisational cultures.
A Proven Track Record
With its tailored approach and proven methodology, Detecon successfully helps clients with tasks ranging from improving employee development and selection processes to designing whole new cultures, thereby enabling cost reduction. Detecon also offers a large pool of experts in state-of-the-art methodologies, such as New Work, which Detecon has helped several DAX 30 companies to apply.
A typical cultural reorganisation will start with an analysis of the current organisation and the challenges the organisation faces, thereby allowing to derive client-specific design options fitted to the needs of the new target organisation. Detecon’s experts in organisational development will offer recommendations and accompany the implementation process by giving training and facilitating communication. Furthermore, the progress will be tracked allowing taking corrective actions early on if necessary. The use of the right tools, such as the GCIndex, enables short execution times.

Detecon’s ‘Triple A’ Approach
Detecon’s ‘Triple A’ approach reflects the whole dynamic between leadership and organisational culture enabling clients to make full use of their potential by applying efficient and sustainable designs and solutions.
The approach consists of the steps ‘Attract’, ‘Assess’ and ‘Advance’. Given the complementary nature of the steps, the model allows for holistic organisational development. As each step enables a different group, it is possible to use it a as a modular system.
The first step ‘Attract’ focuses on solving the issues posed by the war for talent by analysing and bettering culture, thereby allowing to efficiently attract new talents. ‘Assess’ is concerned with employee development and setting up high performing teams by applying tailored approaches using proven methodology. Taking this one step further, ‘Advance’ concentrates on leadership development and enabling learning organisations.