InnoEnergy published a blog from #InnoVoice and InnoEnergy student, Agnes Welsz, who shared her experience using The GC Index® and impact coaching.

Agnes took part in a new initiative, the InnoEnergy Game-Changing Impact programme, launched to ‘bridge the gap between education and enterprise’ by encouraging students to take a fresh approach to creating a future powered by renewables.

Students on InnoEnergy Master’s School got the opportunity to work with a personal coach throughout the programme, which enabled them to gain access to experienced business professionals, participate in group projects, gain real self-awareness and work on real business challenges.

Agnes talked about her GC Index® profile and the insight impact coaching has provided. She said, “My coaching sessions are not only helping me identify how I can make an impact, using The GC Index®, but also teaching me so much about how I operate as an individual.”

What is impact coaching?

Impact coaching helps people understand and use their strengths to make a positive difference. Using tools like The GC Index®, it helps individuals see their abilities and where they can improve. With the help of experienced coaches, people learn more about themselves, gain useful skills and find ways to solve real business problems. This coaching supports leaders, teams and organisations to achieve their goals, become more resilient and create positive changes.

The benefit of a coach

As a Polisher, Agnes continuously strives to make things better and sometimes finds it hard to let go. She says, “Whilst I know the benefits that come from continuously trying to improve, I am also aware that constantly demanding perfection can cause problems. I often delay or put off making decisions or starting new endeavours out of concern that things won’t work out the right way.

“Sometimes I get lost in the detail, which has caused me a lot of stress in the past. My coaching sessions have helped me to accept my perfectionist tendencies, understanding the benefits rather than criticising myself. I have also learnt practical exercises and tools that I can use to avoid putting too much pressure on myself, allowing me to let things go when needed.”

To read Agnes’ full blog please visit InnoEnergy.