The GC Index Announce The GC Gem 2021 Winners
At GC Connect 2021 we took the the time to recognise GC Partners who exemplify innovation and are using The GC Index to help individuals, teams and organisations make a positive impact.
We are excited to announce our GC Gem 2021 winners…
The Individual Gem
It is amazing to see the impact the unique insight from The GC Index is having on individuals’ lives, from children to CEOs of multinational organisations. Whether it is revelation or validation it’s having a positive impact.
We’ve heard some wonderful stories about how coaching using The GC Index framework can transform the way people view themselves with many saying they feel more potent, confident and self-aware.

GC Partner – Rencai UK
Rencai Group worked with Conexus MedStaff Ltd – a recruitment organisation. They got involved with Conexus MedStaff at the early planning stages of a merger and acquisition growth strategy.
Matt Wilden, Founder and MD of Rencai Group, worked with all of their leaders and future leaders to deliver an individual coaching programme powered by The GC Index®. The programme provided clarity on individual opportunities to add most value in their roles and help create culture of accountability and ownership to deliver.
Andrew Moreton, CEO at Conexus MedStaff Ltd, said, “Having key members of our team complete the GC Index has provided us with an additional level of insight as to the natural tendencies of our employees and how they are energised to work. The additional knowledge The GC Index® provides has really helped us to get to know our new additions into the team quickly during the pandemic.”
The Team Gem
The GC Index framework is incredibly powerful in teams, whether that be unlocking potential or developing better awareness of how others contribute and building stronger connections to drive better communication and better decisions.
More leaders now recognise how The GC Index framework supports organisations in forming high performing teams. There are so many amazing examples of how the framework has been used to unlock team potential, drive impactful collaboration and create game-changing teams…and over the last year we have seen how the framework can be used remotely to accelerate team working.

GC Partner – West Midlands Employers, delivered with Franklin-Hackett
West Midlands Employers (WME) built an innovative programme, utilising The GC Index®, to help partners across different organisations break out of silos, understand each other and ultimately work more effectively.
They brought participants from Walsall Safeguarding Partnership together and used The GC Index® to help participants understand how they can contribute. The framework helped create a space to think, talk and build those all-important relationships to achieve a common goal.
Since taking part in the programme, Walsall Safeguarding Partnership, which was formed last year following changes to government legislation, has launched an all-age exploitation pathway and family safeguarding model – a reflection of the borough’s pioneering shift towards more joined up provision for vulnerable children and adults.
The Organisation Gem
Over the last 18 months Organisational Impact Programmes have really come to the fore with GC Partners carrying out some amazing work to unleash organisational impact. Everything from helping unleash organisational energy to supporting restructures, transformational change programmes to any business process.
This Gem recognises GC Partners who have been working with organisations to improve effectiveness using The GC Index.

GC Partner – Makman Technology Consulting
Makman Technology Consulting was brought-in to Akakus Oil Operations to aid in identifying the sought-after talent to serve their future transformation – The GC Index® was used for all top 200 leaders and then cascaded further through the organisation.
The Inclusive Gem
The GC Index has been built with the belief that everyone has a positive impact and contribution to make, whether they are a global Fortune CEO or a child in a developing country.
The focus on impact means it removes a layer of unconscious bias and this has seen it being introduced by organisations to help drive their equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is being used at every point through the employment lifecycle from recruitment to outplacement.
This Gem recognises GC Partners who are using The GC Index framework to help move the equality, inclusion and diversity agenda on.

GC Partner –, part of the Route2Work Group, aims to deliver a series of game-changing edtech solutions via a world-class digital platform.
The team has been working with a global organisation specialising in Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Managed Service Provider solutions, utilising The GC Index®, to level the playing field through a recruitment without bias model and support a social mobility agenda by identifying previously undiscovered talent.
Kanishka Misal, CEO of, said: “With The GC Index®, we can help clients bridge the gap between understanding their people and mapping them onto processes – for maximum impact. It’s about letting the way people work best become your engine of productivity.”
The Gem of a Solution: Most Game Changing Powered By Solution
95% of the ways we can use The GC Index we don’t even know yet and this is where it gets really exciting! We are constantly seeing new innovative and creative ways our GC Partners are embedding The GC Index into their own solutions to drive impact.
This Gem will be awarded to the most game-changing Powered By Solution. As well as a precious stone, a gem is also described as an ‘outstanding person or thing’ so The GC Gems just seemed like the perfect fit.

GC Partner – EIT InnoEnergy, in partnership with Enterprise Lab & Enlit
EIT InnoEnergy, the European innovation engine for sustainable energy, developed The Career Impact Programme. Every year the 18-month Programme, underpinned by The GC Index® and GC Impact tools, runs alongside hundreds of University students’ academic studies focussing upon organisational impact.
The programme bridges the gap between education and enterprise, preparing students to maximise their impact when they enter the world of work and enables employers to best integrate the future talent into their organisations.
More than 600 Masters Students have completed the Programme so far at a rate of 150 per year, 480 products have gone to market and more than 380 start-ups have been supported.
Andrew Dyckhoff, Founder of GC Partner – Strengths Unleashed
This is a special Gem we introduced to recognise GC Partners/GCologists who have made a huge contribution to the GC Community and to the development of The GC Index. This year this goes to Andrew Dyckhoff, Founder of Strengths Unleashed.
Dr GC said, “Andrew has changed our world right from the very outset. We are enormously grateful for his talent, commitment and creativity towards what we are doing.”